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St. Cenydd Community School

St. Cenydd Community School

Aspire & Achieve

During the academic year Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students will sit external examinations (GCSE, GCE, BTEC) and/or be involved in non-examination assessments (classroom based assessments). The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) imposes strict procedures which all students and examination centres must adhere to.

This link will direct you to the JCQ website where you can find the student information and procedures.

Examinations form a part of every child’s assessment whilst at St Cenydd. Literacy and Numeracy tests take place throughout the year for Years 7, 8 and 9. In addition subjects will hold a variety of assessments to gain an accurate picture of your child’s current performance, identifying their strengths and areas for development.

External exams may take place in November, January and the Summer term, depending upon your child’s choice of subjects. In addition to this we hold formal ‘mock’ examinations for these year groups in the Spring term. There are also non examined assessments (NEA) which take place within lessons, which also contribute to GCSE qualifications. NEA count towards the final qualification and take place throughout the course. Any concerns regarding non examined assessments should be raised with the Head of Department in the first instance, then with the Exams Officer. There is guidance on the use of AI below which should be read carefully.

Important information for pupils in Years 10-13 is attached below. It is vital that all pupils sitting external exams are aware of its contents and understand the rules regarding examination conduct. Failure to follow these rules may lead to malpractice which can lead to an exam board imposing sanctions.

Final, personalised timetables are issued before the exam season begins.

Should you have a query regarding examinations, please contact Mrs Lippiett our Examinations Officer.