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St. Cenydd Community School

St. Cenydd Community School

Aspire & Achieve

Just before Summer half-term, our Year 8 and 9 SRB students were welcomed by the Manager of our local Royal Mail sorting office in Caerphilly to complete a wonderful study we had been doing on letter writing and the postal service.

Our students began by learning how to write a letter and the correct way to fill in an envelope. We went on learn about stamps, postcodes and our postal service. Students then all wrote a lovely letter to a family member.

Out trip  began with a visit to our local Post Office where the pupils all bought a stamp off the Post Master and posted it at the pillar box.

Our next port of call from here was our local sorting office where manager Doug was waiting to give us a presentation on the Royal Mail and a full tour of the impressive facility. 

Both students and staff enjoyed learning and seeing first hand what happens to a letter on its journey from the post box to the letter box and everything in between.

A fabulous day was had by all and a huge thank you to those who helped make it such a special experience.