Hello! Our names Seren,Emie,Tiana and Michelle. On february 8th we went to Cardiff Met University to listen to authors: Laura Bates and Benjamin Dean, speak about how they became authors.
The author we first listened to was Laura Bates, she is an activist who believes in gender equality. She talked about the sexist headlines that are written about women in power such as female MPs and we learned about what percentage of women worked as engineers, architects etc. We were given newspapers to fill out, we wrote headlines about what would happen if men were sexualised instead. She talked about her experiences and how they had inspired her to write 3 novels for young people.
After that we headed towards a classroom and we had a lesson on poetry. There was a lovely woman who taught us how to write a poem in some nice simple steps. For example, we made the first line of our poem the first line of our favourite song, then we wrote what that song made us feel, after that we wrote down who we associated with the song. We ended the poem with where we associated the song and a message about the song.
After we had lunch in the dance studio, we went back to the lecture hall and listened to Benjamin Dean talk about his experiences interviewing celebrities and a quiz on whether we would survive being a celebrity. We got our newspapers out and made up a celebrity and talked about celebrity scandals and how our celebrity would handle it.
We ended the day with going into the dance studio and getting a free book of our choice as well as being able to buy some books, we could get the books signed and have a chat with both authors. We would like to say thank you to all the staff members that were involved and helped us. We had a fabulous time meeting the authors, walking around the university and getting our questions answered about the university.