The school year 2017-2018 has got off to a great start in the Art Department.
Year 7 are fully immersed in learning about colour and even making their own colours that reflect their favourite things! See if you can spot the beautiful mud colour on the colour mixing photo!
Year 8 are examining the crazy, wonderful world of Surrealism and are beginning their analysis of traditional versus modern Surrealism through the replication of the artist René Magritte’s work and a critical analysis of the contemporary film Wreck it Ralph. Their work this year will be all based around food.
Year 9 have impressed us with their grasp of Identity, Selfies and Portraiture in Youth Culture. There will be some outstanding portraits this year.
GCSE groups have been off to a great start too with Miss Adams’ class documenting the addiction of fast food in lesson this week with iPad digital manipulation. These will make for great starting points for when they design their own ‘Unhappy Meals’. Mrs Reardon’s GCSE class have been examining oil pastel prints with the beautiful work of the artist Colleen Wilcox who is inspired by nature and the coastline.
Lunch times continue to be busy here in the department and you can follow our exciting adventures on our Instagram accounts to see what creative work is being produced.